How to get your site listed on Bing

Here’s a Brick guide on how to get listed in the Bing search engine.
There’s been a lot of chat recently in the search engine optimisation forums on how to get a high listing on Microsoft Bing, especially on what is needed to achieve high rankings. As Bing the search engine is a newcomer, it is important to get your listing on early to make sure that you make the most of Microsoft’s new decision engine and behavioural marketing presence.

So how can you get a good ranking on Bing Microsoft's new search engine?

Here are some tips...

How to get listed on Bing...

Step 1 – Check your site is not already indexed
The first step to getting your site listed on Bing is to first check that it’s not already there!
Go to and put the full URL in to the search box, then press the ’search’ button. If it appears, then it is indexed (go to step 3). If it’s not, then go to step 2!

Step 2 – Add your site to Bing
Go to Bing and add your site. You need to put the website address (URL) as well as your Sitemap URL (see Step 3). All brick websites are correctly configured, if you are a client of ours, you will find your dynamic sitemaps at yoursite.­com/­sitemap.­xml and yoursite.­com/­ror.­xml if you are not a Brick client, then please refer to your webmaster or come over to Brick ;)

Step 3 – Check that your website is ready
This step to getting a great listing in Bing is to make sure your website has the correct bits – a sitemap yoursite.­com/­sitemap.­xml  this should have a list of all of the pages on your website and the pages you want indexed. (Brick websites do this automatically and update your sitemap whenever you add news, products or new pages in your control centre. Microsoft Bing will then crawl your site before listing it. You will also need a robots.txt file which is not blocking the Bing spiders. you can check this by going to yoursite.­com/­robots.­txt

Step 4 – Your now in the queue to be listed on Bing!
The robot from Bing will crawl your site in exactly the same way as the Googlebot – so make sure your page is optimised for SEO in the same way as the other pages. A listing in the Bing search engine has the potential to bring large amounts of traffic, as Microsoft are preparing to spend a bucket load of money on marketing and advertising its new baby.

Brick technology include Bing, Google, DMOZ,, Yandex and 108 other major search engines submissions in our Internet Marketing services... Please don't hesitate to contact us should you want to know about our Internet Marketing Service, SEO, Placement, Profiling, Mobile Marketing, Behavoural Marketing services.

Happy Binging!

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