Web Design Impacted by Google Translate

Brick technology web design have had a number of our internet marketing clients outgrow the UK market or even want to target a worldwide target audience. However, this has brought an issue or rather a language barrier and so what happens when a webpage is in English and the person speaks German?

It isn’t just English to German and vice versa; there are a whole range of languages which need to be addressed and so in 2001 Google started to provide a service which could translate a number of webpages into a selected eight languages to and from English.

Unfortunately in theory this sounded great and everyone was extremely excited that the language barrier had finally been broken but practically the translated quality wasn’t that good and there were issues with word order and grammar. The quality of the web design once translated simply wasn’t as good and didn’t make sense.

Since the initial translator tool in 2001 Google and their team have worked extremely hard on refining how it translates and they came up with a brand new service but unfortunately it took 40 hours and 1,000 machines just to translate 1,000 sentences and so it was back to the drawing board!

In refining the Google Translate Tool speed was their main focus and just over a year later the system could translate a sentence in under a second with higher levels of quality. Following this it was in 2006 when the first languages were rolled out, Chinese and then Arabic.

Now Google Translate can be used on many websites and can translate into 64 different languages even including areas with limited web presences. Every month around 200million active users use the translate.­google.­com and this doesn’t include usage on other sites such as YouTube, Chrome and even Mobile Apps.

Google Translate has solved the problem of having a language barrier online and in recent times it would seem apparent that the demand for Google Translate is apparent amongst mobile users who access it on the go. With the introduction of many new mobile technologies and devices mobile traffic to Google Translate has quadrupled year on year consistently.

In just one day Google Translate actually translates as much text as what you would find in 1 million books! Quite an amazing concept to think about but in ways of the future this translation has brought together many global conversations online than ever before and this is going to be crucial.

Now information online and websites online can be shared and consumed by anyone without the language barrier. With refinements being made all the time at Google who knows what will happen next.

Brick technology web design, Lancashire already deal with a number of our clients who are targeting markets abroad who obviously do not speak English as their first language or event at all!

We have had entire websites professionally translated in order to target this market and so if you are a UK company looking to expand because you have reached the “glass ceiling” as we like to call it then come to Brick technology.

As a full digital agency we are able to offer world class web design services and then internet marketing services which together make for a really great strategy of getting your business noticed online in England, Germany, America, Japan, China, France and many other countries! We even have our own Media Production team who are on hand to help you through video production and much more!

Look no further and book an appointment to discuss how you can broaden your online horizons!

For more information call us, Brick technology Web Design on 01254 277190 or email info@brickweb.co.uk.

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