Who wants to be an e-millionaire?

Brick technology's customers cumulatively earn over £100 million a year and they are still growing!

We've had many "overnight" successes and helping one customer per month achieve this.

Of course in reality, there is no get-rich-quick scheme, even on the Internet. Some of our clients have taken a couple of years to get there. Our content management systems are world class, we not only provide leading edge futureproof systems, technical support and all the necessary tools but also provide inspiring workshops each and every month on important ebusiness topics.

Our websites were developed with real business in mind. The secret of our client's successes are from regular and consistent application. If you choose Brick to partner with your business, be prepared to put the work in too. We're with you every step of the way, we know e-commerce and you know your business. Together we have a world class team. I think we all realise that the real secret of success is graft and no other web development company works as hard as Brick alongside and together with our clients.

Here are some of our recent members of Brick millionaire club;

  • http://­totallywicked-eliquid.com
  • http://­vanitysanity.­co.­uk
  • http://­childre­nsmat­tres­se­son­line.­co.­uk
  • http://­thepen­ni­neg­roup.­co.­uk
  • http://­carryliftgroup.­com

For more examples, please see our portfolio.

If you are a Brick customer, make sure you attend one of our 3 monthly workshops. If you're looking for a web provider that can help you make your millions, please email or call Claire Smalley 01254 277190  and come in for a no obligation assessment of your current website or your new idea.

Join the club and become one of Lancashire's new e-millionaires!

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